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What’s the difference between Fairtrade and organic coffee?

What’s the difference between Fairtrade and organic coffee?
Whether it’s Fairtrade or organic, Van Houtte® coffee is always a great choice. Both Fairtrade and organic certifications actively contribute to the protection of the environment by encouraging producers to implement cultivation and production practices that are sustainable and respect nature. So, what’s the difference then?

Fairtrade certification
Van Houtte® certified Fairtrade coffee is verified by Fairtrade Canada, a non-profit organization member of Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International.

Fairtrade certification directly addresses social issues such as labour conditions for coffee farm workers. Under Fairtrade, they are ensured a minimum price for their coffee, which protects them in the face of market fluctuations. In addition, they receive a community development premium that they place in a common investment fund and use to improve the quality of life in their community.

Organic certification
Van Houtte® certified organic coffee  is verified by the TCO Certified (TCO Development),  a non-profit organization. 

Organic certification attests to the organic farming practices that growers respect. It also ensures that packers and roasters follow the best organic processing practices. To protect local ecosystems, producers who grow certified organic coffee use sustainable methods such as mulching, composting and the selective use of natural pesticides. Grown and processed coffee beans therefore contain no chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It’s simple – everything from farm to cup is 100% organic.

Why choose when you can drink both?
Van Houtte® certified Fairtrade coffee and Van Houtte® certified organic coffee are both great choices. Buying Fairtrade helps improve first the quality of life for coffee producers while buying organic actively supports coffee producers who make every effort to protect the environment.